Make it for Mom 2014

It’s quickly approaching that time year when we celebrate the wonderful women in our lives we call “Mom.” Every year, the Saturday morning before Mother’s Day, we open our store to as many children who will come and help them create their very own personal mini-floral arrangements to present to Mom the next morning.
MIFM 2009

This year, the 18th year of this annual event, Make it for Mom will be Saturday, May 10th from 10:30am to noon. The kids will have a marvelous time making arrangements with a personal touch that only they can add; the adults will receive a $5.00 in-store coupon to go towards any purchases they make that day; and any donations we receive will go 100% to the Relief Nursery.

Mark your calendar so you and your kids don’t miss out.

MIFM 2013

MIFM2 2009

MIFM 2011

Happy Bosses Day, Shirley Lyons!

Last month, our wonderful boss Shirley Lyons was installed as the President of the Society of American Florists (SAF), a trade association representing the U.S. floral industry that has been around for 130 years. Not only is she their first woman president, she is also the first Oregonian to serve. What an accomplishment! And what an example to women! We are so proud of her!

Shirley’s love for her community and desire to touch lives and make everyday things just that much more special is  evident in the community contests and events Dandelions hosts, and the employees at Dandelions get to benefit from this great-heartedness up close. We get the everyday view of Shirley that not everyone sees, and for this Bosses Day, we wanted her to catch a glimpse of how we see her, a sense of who she is to us. Each staff-member at Dandelions picked a word or two to describe Shirley, so she’d know how special she is to us:

Working on Elton John’s flowers!

Juggling grand kids

“Dynamic, and an educator.” – Jodie

Big-hearted and generous.” – Brenda

“Energetic.” – Marie

“Simpatica y suave.” – ShariAnn

“World-traveler. “ – Tami

“Inspirational.” – Tovi

“Comedian.” – Julianne

“Motivated. Fun-loving.” – Martha

“Sympathetic.” – Diana

“Admirable.” Tammy

KMTR’s Job Swap with Jordan Steele

track meet

Making arrangements for the U. of O. Olympic trials.

“Passionate.” – Sophie

“Madame President! And Gregarious.” – Cindy

“Vivacious.” – Sharon

“Appreciative. She is grateful for our service in her company.” – Beth

“Driven.” – Chela

“lively, positive.” – Stephanie

To our boss, Shirley Lyons: Happy Bosses Day!

Shirley with Eugene Emerald’s Sluggo on Valentine’s Day.

Presenting Eugene’s Favorite Mom Contest winner with her prize.

A Thank You to the Administrative Professionals

Next week, many bosses, managers, business owners – will send flowers to the valued colleagues and employees who work so hard, taking on many responsibilities and projects, to help them meet their goals and fulfill their plans. This is because a smart leader knows that a little recognition for good work, and a word of thanks go a long way.sec week 3

More and more, the 24 hours we’ve been allotted in a day are so busy, they seem to fly by, and the little things that make such an impact on every day life are the first casualties of our hectic existence. We mean to make that phone-call and check up on that friend, but by the  time we get to it, it’s too late in the day. We are grateful for the help and hard work of those around us, and at some point plan on sending them a thank you card or gift, but something urgent and requiring immediate attention pops up, and that kind intention is moved to tomorrow’s schedule.bamboo sunshine

That’s why Administrative Professionals Week is so important! It’s a week’s worth of nudging to remind you to show appreciation to those who work so hard for you. Anyone who’s ever received flowers knows how delightful it is to accept that lovely, thoughtful package, and long after the flowers have faded, the memory of that gift continues to delight.

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Bucks for Pearl Bucks 2013

March is National Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month, and once again the Pearl Buck Center is partnering with local businesses, including Dandelions, to raise awareness and support for those of us in our community who live with, or are affected by developmental disabilities. Pearl Bucks at Dandelions

The Pearl Buck Center  works with people born with disabilities such as cerebral palsy, epilepsy, and autism, to name a few,  nurturing these individuals so that they are able to function and be contributing members of society.

The businesses involved are offering Pearl Bucks for customers to buy as a contribution to support the cause. All you have to do is come in and buy a Buck! Pearl Buck

Here’s a link for a list of the businesses involved:

To learn more about the Pearl Buck Center and find out about opportunities to volunteer, check out their website at

To learn more about developmental disabilities and how the state of Oregon is involved, check out the Oregon Council on Developmental Disabilities website at

Tips for Getting your Centerpiece to Last

The first thing you should know about your floral centerpiece is that the cut stems are inserted into a floral foam, also known as oasis. Oasis is great because it retains water well and helps the arrangement hold it’s design. Flowers in foam can stay vibrant and beautiful for days, but they need care. The downside to oasis is that where you can see the water level in a vase, in floral foam the water level is not as obvious. Because of this, many a centerpiece dehydrates and dies earlier than it should. So it is important to make sure your floral arrangement has plenty of water.

How to check the water level: Touch the oasis. If you press it lightly you should feel moisture.

When to water: Because it’s cold outside, and we’re all keeping our homes warmer, the water from the floral foam is going to evaporate faster, so you should check the moisture level every day.

How to water: Move your centerpiece to the sink, or to a surface that won’t be damaged by water, in case you spill. Carefully find a space in the centerpiece, or at the side of the container it is in, where you can see the oasis, or a space between the oasis and the container, and carefully pour water onto the oasis or into the space around the foam, allowing time for  the water to be absorbed.  Slowly add water until the oasis is thoroughly saturated.

Enjoy your flowers, and this wonderful season!!


Bob Welch Book Signing Event at Dandelions

Bob WelchLast month I wrote about local author Bob Welch‘s recently published books “Cascade Summer: My Adventure on Oregon’s Pacific Crest Trail” and “52 Little Lessons from It’s a Wonderful Life” that we have for sale here in our store. I mentioned then that Dandelions would be hosting a book-signing for Mr. Welch this month. Well, we have a date:

When:     Tuesday, December 18th, from 3:30 pm to 5:30 pm.

Where:   Dandelions Flowers and Gifts at 1710 Chambers St. Eugene, OR, 97402

Join us here at Dandelions at as we host this exciting event, and take advantage of the opportunity to meet Bob Welch. Not only will these autographed books be great to pick up for yourself, but they’ll also make a wonderful present during this holiday gift-giving season.

Also, all Dandelions merchandise will be 20% off during the book-signing.

Be sure not to miss this opportunity!!

How to Care for Your Poinsettia

Poinsettia -  Eugene, OregonThe vibrant red that poinsettias display (they also come in other shades including orange, cream, pink, even purple) have made them a popular plant around the Christmas season. But how do you care for this lovely plant? Here are some tips to help you get your poinsettia to last.


Poinsettias are tropical plants, so they don’t like the cold. During the day, be sure to keep it in a room that’s between 65 to 75 degrees, and at night, if possible, keep it in a room that’s a little cooler (55 to 60 degrees.) Poinsettias also don’t do well with sudden changes in temperature, so keep it away from the door so it doesn’t feel the draft, and if you keep it by the window, don’t allow the leaves to touch the glass. Sudden temperature changes will cause the poinsettia to drop it’s leaves. Poinsettias also like humidity, so if your plant’s leaves start looking a little crinkly around the edges, you can mist it.


Poinsettias love light, so make sure it gets as much as possible throughout the day.  dec 007


Wait until the surface soil is dry to the touch and then water your poinsettia, allowing enough water so that it runs out of the drainage holes in the bottom of the container. Poinsettias prefer moist soil rather than sitting in water, so it is important that you allow the excess water to drain out after watering. Once a poinsettia starts to droop it will soon begin to drop it’s leaves, so it is important to check the soil frequently.

There is no need to fertilize your poinsettia plant during the Christmas season.

Contrary to popular belief, poinsettias are not poisonous to people or animals, but they are a delicate plant and their stems break easily, so be sure to keep them where a curious pet or child cannot reach them.

If you keep an eye on your poinsettia, it should last just fine throughout the season. In a few weeks I’ll let you know how to care for your poinsettia after the Christmas season.

Modern Christmas Fresh Floral Designs

Having fresh flowers during the Christmas season is a wonderful tradition that makes the home feel extra festive. Whether you are buying them for yourself (highly recommended) or as a gift for someone else, here are some of my favorite holiday arrangements.

  silver and white christmas flowers   Christmas flower arrangement

BRA-VO! Bras for a Cure – The Results

The votes for Bras for a Cure are in and finally counted – and if you’ve been wondering how to find out which decorated bra won and what the fundraising results were, here’s how: On Monday, November 5th, the Willamette Valley Cancer Institute and Research Center will be hosting BRA-VO! – the Bras for a Cure final showcase, where the entries will be on display one last time, and where the winners of the contest and the fundraising results will be announced!

So here’s what you need to  know to be there:

Everyone is welcome! Come and hear the results first-hand, and bring a friend.

Dandelions Turns 37

Did you know that Dandelions has been serving Eugene & Springfield since 1974?? After 37 years, owner Shirley Lyons still has a personal relationship with her customers, has a staff that is like family, and continues to serve her community and industry.

Shirley started selling flowers at the Saturday Market and soon thereafter opened the first location of Dandelions at 6th & Chambers. A few years later, the store was relocated to its current location at 18th & Chambers. Take a look at some of the pictures from over the years…

Shirley Lyons                                         St. Patrick’s Day Parade 1986

Storefront 1980’s                                              Storefront 2000’s

Indoor display cooler 1985                                    Indoor display 2010

Valentine’s Day 1991                       Breast Cancer Awareness Month   Oct. 2010